Suffragette Rosettes — Andrew Carnegie Birthplace Museum

Suffragette ROsettes

Emmeline Pankhurst c.1913 (image public domain)

Emmeline Pankhurst c.1913 (image public domain)

Did you know that there is a Carnegie Connection to the Women’s Suffrage movement?

Well there is - specifically through Emmeline Pankhurst, the leader of the suffragette movement on this side of the Atlantic.

On October 25th 1909 there was a mass meeting in honour of Mrs Pankhurst held at New York’s now famed Carnegie Hall. The meeting was given by the Equality League of Self-Supporting Women. Mrs Pankhurst spoke at the event herself alongside other radical women.

Andrew Carnegie described New York’s Carnegie Hall in the following way:

“It is built to stand for ages, and during these ages it is probable that this hall will intertwine itself with the history of our country. All good causes may find here a platform.” —Andrew Carnegie

If you’ve like more information about Emmeline Pankhurst in America, please follow the links below.

Let’s make!

Join Annie and learn to make your own suffragette rosettes, inspired by Emmeline Pankhurst. There are two versions you can make - or do both if you’re feeling really ambitious!