Andrew Carnegie Birthplace Museum

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Carnegie Dunfermline Trust is offering emergency grants during the Coronavirus crisis

The Staff and Trustees of our governing body, the Carnegie Dunfermline Trust, recognise that the Coronavirus outbreak presents and extraordinary challenge for our whole community.

Our Trustees appreciate that many local charitable organisations will have had to make changes to their operational practices so that they can continue to provide a service to clients. For example, organisations may have had to purchase mobile phones or IT equipment to allow staff and volunteers work from home or perhaps incur additional fuel expenses for deliveries.

Under the Trust’s small grants scheme (<£1500), organisations can apply for an ‘emergency’ grant to help with these additional expenses incurred at this time:

  • grants are for local organisations or constituted groups and our usual geographic area applies (i.e. Dunfermline and its environs)

  • no application form is required but an email request should be sent to the Grant Officer -

  • grants will be agreed by the Trustees and paid out on receipt of evidence of expenditure since March 2020. Confirmation of bank details is required e.g. bank statement

  • The Trust will NOT provide donations to groups or individuals

The Grant Officer can also be contacted on 07384559345 between 10-12 Monday to Friday.