Booking Information

We would love to welcome you to the Andrew Carnegie Birthplace Museum.

Depending on the size of the class, we will usually divide the students into 2 groups. Each group will then go off and complete two different workshops, have a snack break in between, and then swop over for the second half of the visit. So please choose the two Workshops that best suits your learning needs and we will customise them to best suit your students. The ‘suitable for’ is a guideline and all workshops’ skills level can be adjusted for your levelled group. Included in all of the workshops is the opportunity for the children to dress up as young Victorians if they choose to. If you are unable to come to the museum, an arrangement could be made for us to come to you. It is never as much fun as being at the museum surrounded by objects of wonder, but a good step if logistics can’t work.

School visits are free. All we ask is that you fill in and send us a Booking Form. We will then contact you and iron out all the details.

For more information about our digital school resources please visit our Primary School Resources page and Secondary School Resources page.

Workshops we Offer to Schools

1.Discovering Dinosaurs

Duration: 1 hour

Suitable for: Early and First Level

This workshop explores Andrew Carnegie’s connection with Dinosaurs and some basic facts about the dinosaurs - all taught through song, rhyme and play for the younger ones. We also bring out some various fossils and other Dinosaurs handling objects for the children to enjoy. This workshop can be delivered at the museum or we can come to you. It is never as much fun as being at the museum surrounded by objects of wonder, but a good step if logistics can’t work.

HWB 1-19a / LIT 1-02a / LIT 1-04a / SCN 1-01a / SOC 1-01a / SOC 1-02a / SOC 1-03a /


2.Victorian Playtime

Duration: 40 minutes

Suitable for: First Level

Playtime and school time was very different during the 1800s, when Andrew Carnegie was at school. This workshop takes the children back in time to experience what it may have been like when Andrew was at school. they will play Victorian age games and with Victorian aged toys.

HWB 1-19a / LIT 1-02a / LIT 1-04a / SOC 1-01a / SOC 1-02a / SOC 1-03a / SOC 1-04a


3.Victorian Object Detectives

Duration: 40 minutes

Suitable for: First and Second Level

Primary 1 to Primary 7 students can explore Victorian era object from a school setting, a kitchen setting, and children's toys. these objects are then discussed and compared to objects found in todays schools, kitchens, and playrooms.

HWB 1-19a / LIT 1-02a / LIT 1-04a / SOC 1-01a / SOC 1-02a / SOC 1-03a / SOC 1-04a / SOC 1-06a / SOC 2-06a


4.Birthplace Cottage Stories

Duration: 1 hour

Suitable for: First and Second Level

During this workshop the children will be lead through the 16th century cottage and told all the stories about Andrew Carnegie and his family. They will learn about how they lived here in Dunfermline and hear the tales of Andrews adventures in the city when he was a boy. There will also be objects brought out from the collection for the children to handle.

HWB 1-19a / LIT 2-02a / LIT 2-04a / SOC 1-01a / SOC 1-02a / SOC 1-03a / SOC 1-04a / SOC 1-06a / SOC 2-03a / SOC 2-06a


5.Dunfermline: Then and Now

Duration: 40 minutes

Suitable for: Second Level

The children will look at and compare maps of Dunfermline from 1832 and 2009. Various questions and discussions will take place around the maps and their differences and similarities.

HWB 1-19a / LIT 2-02a / LIT 2-04a / SOC 1-01a / SOC 1-03a / SOC 1-04a / SOC 1-06a / SOC 2-03a / SOC 2-04a / SOC 2-06a

If you have any question, or you would like to discuss these Workshops with us, please contact us.

To book a visit with us, whether it is at the museum or at your school, please fill this this booking form and we will be in touch soon. We look forward to welcoming you and your students to the Andrew Carnegie Birthplace Museum.